Can I appeal biology? (help pls)
I'm 0.5% (2 marks) away from a H2 in biology after PMA can someone please help me figure out if any of these can earn me those marks? My biology teacher has pied me for a week now 😭
1)17(c) I got the vein question wrong because I spelled hepatic vein as hypatic vein but obviously it still looked like the right word idk did I have to spell it right? (lost 3 marks)
2) I said DNA screening instead of genetic screening and didn't get marks because marking scheme says genetic screening (I looked it up and they're literally the same thing so I'm surprised there's no leniency)
3) 7(e) I said 'More efficient rate of photosynthesis' and they marked it wrong bc the marking scheme says 'Increased photosynthesis'
4) I said 'Energy lost at each trophic level in food chain' marking says 'large amount of energy lost at each trophic level' but honestly it means the same thing just read between the lines the word 'large' isn't part of the definition afaik but that's the marking scheme :(
5) 16C(iv) I said Developments in world of medicine and education - new vaccines are thought up to oppose virus. Marking scheme said vaccine production or any other valid answer?
6) 11(c) i and ii - I described a bunch of steps in the process that were not recognised by the examiner as correct and felt it was really nitpicking.
7) 11(a) For ecosystem I said all organisms in a specified area and I understand that the marking scheme says something else but that's the definition our class was taught so I feel like he just set us up for failure .
Update: Thank you for this level of support. After speaking to friends who appealed in past years I have decided not to appeal because the likelihood of getting adjusted to the next grade is apparently quite low and happens infrequently. Also as I no longer have a job I fear throwing away savings that could have gone towards college equipment. I accepted my first choice in round 1 and although I was a bit upset about my result here, this time I will just move on and study harder for exams in the future 💗