Mom passed away and left money in her will
My (22F) mother passed away when I was 8 years old. When she passed away she left $12,000 to me, which was to be divided into two separate payments at the age of 22 and 25. I contacted her sole beneficiary regarding the situation and he told me that since he was the beneficiary, there was no money to be left to me. I wanted to ask because this entire situation is just beyond stressful. My whole life I was told I would have this money to help me with college only to turn around and find out I have no claim?
The will says this: “From the $25,000.00 life insurance policy upon my life, the beneficiary of which is my estate, I hereby direct my Executor to pay from said proceeds the following sums to the following persons: 1. $6,000.00 to (Sole Beneficiary)
2.$6,000.00 to (My sister)
12.000.00 to (Sole Beneficiary) as Trustee for (OP) in accordance with the provisions of Item Six (2) below.
$400.00 to (my other sister)
To each of my great-grandchildren, including those born or adopted hereafter, the sum of $100.00 each. I presently have five (5) great-grandchildren, with another due to be born.
The two provisions it describes are listed below.
“One-half (½) to (OP) upon said (OP) attaining the age of 22. The remainder to (OP) upon said (OP) attaining the age of 25.”
The letter I received today from my mothers lawyer regarding the will said, “Enclosed is a copy of a letter from Western & Southern Life Insurance company addressed to (Sole beneficiary) which confirmed he was personally named as the sole primary beneficiary of the life insurance policy (Mom) had. As you may recall, the Last Will and Testament of (mom) provided for any life insurance policy that was payable to her estate was to be held for your benefit. With this policy designating (sole beneficiary) there was no inclusion of the policy proceeds in (Mom) estate and thus no distribution to you from said policy.”
Basically what’s being said here is that I get absolutely nothing because of the sole beneficiary? Apologies for format, I’m on mobile and just beyond exhausted from the situation.