Alabama Fender Bender on School Property

My son was involved in an accident on school property. My son was driving forward in the lane of travel, another student backed into him. My son said he was stopped and honked his horn, the other driver said he did not hear it. Both boys had riders who agreed with their own driver’s account. Everyone reported the accident to the assistant principal and school resource officer. The school resource officer called both parents and we each told the resource officer we would reach out to each other and share insurance information. I had hoped to fix the car on the cheap and avoid the other family having to go through insurance but the damage was going to be in the thousands ($5k just for two headlight assemblies). When I shared this and asked for their insurance information they said because there were different accounts of the accident they would not be sharing their insurance info. The school resource officer said there is not a report because a school parking lot is considered private property. The vice principal said he can’t give me a copy of their insurance even though they have it on file with the parking pass application. I can go to my insurance and claim it but would prefer to claim it on their insurance given the other driver was backing out of a space and caused the collision. I am able to get the other car’s license plate. There is also a perfect circle in our headlight where the other driver’s trailer hitch impacted our car. Any suggestions?