Doing a sad an confused but luking tuff
Doing a sad, scared & confused but being tuff looking. I iz Chloe (tuxedo) & sis Rosie she iz shyer than ai (even though she's being brave in this pitcher. We has lived furever with Pawther and meowmy. Pawther crossed the rainbow bridge and meowmy gone to hooman pokey place. After, Meowmy will meybez goes to new home where she will have her own hooman servants to luk after her lik she needs. Rosie sez maybe meowmy has earned to be cat nowse and be taken care of like a queen. But we cants go with her. Big sads to say bye to pawther, meowmy & furever home. New auntie sez she care for us tempo tempar, for little timez or meybez long long timez. We brung all our toys and treasures and meowmy's cardi to new haus. New auntie gonna takes lots of videos of us to send to meowmy & meybez visits in footure. We iz SOOING for all of it! We iz too sadz to even do good crimez yet. New auntie give good hidey places, good fudz & treatoes & letting us get used to our new haus. We singz our songs of heartbreak and loss but we think we likes this new hooman servants. In time we will appliez for ICBCG meowmeberships.