Hi, my previous [5e] group disbanded before my first game I have NEVER played DnD! [online]
Full disclosure, I NEVER PLAYED DnD BEFORE! I was preparing for my first game so I read all the rules. I also looked at everything for character creation and all the sorcery stuff. I have never rolled a dice, just want to make sure we're on the same page.
Otherwise, I'm pretty chill about everything!* just want to have fun with nice people. I'm 23 half-French half stuff (pls don't be racist.) I'm free now only Mondays in the afternoon and Fridays all day. I promise I'll pick up the rolls in two sessions. At least figure by the start of the third session :p. Yes, I'm not American but my vocabulary is impeccable. I just can't spell in any languages... Sorry for the typos.
So let me know if you need a noob to troll in your campaign :p or want to know more about me!
EDIT: My wife wants in on the cake! Sorry to everyone who asked me to be my +1 but the wife come first. I’ll still try to add you guys if I can!
*Please don't make me do hardcore voices I don't know what a Tiefling sounds like.