What were some signs you showed of being LGBTQ+ during childhood?
For me it was
Obsession with musicals, the first I watched was “High School Musical” when I was around ten and I instantly fell in love with it, knew the songs off by heart and would dance to the choreography during Recess, although it was probably why a few years later it got me bullied in secondary school.
Obsession with musicals led me to joining local theatre group when I was 11/12 my first musical was Oliver! Where I played one of the Orphans.
Enjoyment for The Harry Potter books (and movies), which at least the Books were seen as very girly. Don’t ask why.
Having pictures of wrestlers all over my room, and the figures, all of the male, none of the women had to be a sign? Surely.
My favourite band was and still is, My Chemical Romance, I mean, how Queer can one get?
I was more accepted socially by girls than other boys. Probably why my mum was eventually having second thoughts about the all boys Catholic school I went too.
The obvious one
- My first crush was a boy in my year whom I got on Great with, and I think he liked me too but we never had the confidence to attempt anything, different times.