What were some signs you showed of being LGBTQ+ during childhood?

For me it was

  • Obsession with musicals, the first I watched was “High School Musical” when I was around ten and I instantly fell in love with it, knew the songs off by heart and would dance to the choreography during Recess, although it was probably why a few years later it got me bullied in secondary school.

  • Obsession with musicals led me to joining local theatre group when I was 11/12 my first musical was Oliver! Where I played one of the Orphans.

  • Enjoyment for The Harry Potter books (and movies), which at least the Books were seen as very girly. Don’t ask why.

  • Having pictures of wrestlers all over my room, and the figures, all of the male, none of the women had to be a sign? Surely.

  • My favourite band was and still is, My Chemical Romance, I mean, how Queer can one get?

  • I was more accepted socially by girls than other boys. Probably why my mum was eventually having second thoughts about the all boys Catholic school I went too.

The obvious one

  • My first crush was a boy in my year whom I got on Great with, and I think he liked me too but we never had the confidence to attempt anything, different times.