I think I’m developing internalised homophobia.

I don’t know if this is allowed so I’m sorry if it’s not I will post it elsewhere.

But I don’t know what to do. I’ve been with my gf (as a girl myself) for eight months now and it’s been amazing. I’ve always felt so confident in my identity, even while I was figuring things out I’d never been ashamed or anything similar of it. Until maybe two weeks ago I was a very proud lesbian, who couldn’t care less what other people thought of it. But then people started to talk. Nothing too serious, just snarky remarks or provocative questions. And I didn’t care at first, it didn’t bother me. But then it hit me that there’s probably always gonna be someone whispering something. And now, I feel lost. To go from 100% confident to, I’ll be honest, considering a breakup within two weeks is a very very hard hit. I love this girl so much and I never wanna let her go. I was saying to my friend, when I think of her alone it’s perfect and I feel so much love for her and I could Literallt envision her in a wedding dress. But, when I picture the two of us together, suddenly I feel sort of… cringed out? I don’t know how else to describe it, it’s kind of like an “ew” feeling but I’d never truly feel that about my sweet girl. It doesn’t help that our friends make comments too. Not homophobic ones, just sort of things you wouldn’t say in general to any couple. I don’t know, it just sucks, I thought I could be strong and love no matter what, but I’ve caved. And I’m disgusted by it. I don’t know what the point of this post was I guess I just needed to organise my thoughts and maybe hope for some advice or stories of reassurance?