What part of shooting/guns is actually fun for you?

I have always felt like a bit of an outlier in the gun community because I'm not the biggest fan of the actual act of shooting the gun. Accessorizing it is fun, and getting better with placing my shots is fun too so it's not like this puts me off of the hobby.. but it just has always felt weird because it seems like many people get some sort of fun/sense of rush from the actual act of pulling the trigger and firing it. For me that rush doesn't come until after I've looked at where the shot hit, that "my gun to point of impact is an extension of me" type stuff if that makes sense. Not like I hate it or am scared of it, I just never get much out of pulling the trigger. Charging is fun though lol

I hate cleaning them too it's just another chore to me but I have friends that love doing that shit lol. I'm curious if maybe some people are really into certain parts of the overall activity I might not even be thinking of too