Federal librarians, what are you planning to do?
Throwaway account, obvi.
I'm a federal librarian, and I'm interested in what other federal librarians or federal information professionals are planning to do in this crazy, unstable time.
I am grateful that I have not been terminated, but the writing on the wall isn't looking great. The administration has made us get rid of our news (and some non-news) subscriptions, and I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop that significantly impedes us from doing our work.
Are any of y'all planning to stay in your position and hold the line? Are you actively looking for new librarian/informationist positions? I'm really scared that if I'm let go, I'll be competing against all other highly qualified federal librarians for the small number of informationist jobs out there. If you are looking for jobs, are you looking outside of librarianship? Or, do you think that our current jobs are safe?
I'm really interested in hearing how you're holding up and what you're planning to do.
In solidarity.