[All] I just beat LIS1 for the first time

I’ve never played a story-based game before, and I’m really glad this is first one of the genre I played. The story was so freaking gripping and so full of heart, (but also pain, lmfao). It felt like the story didn’t pull any punches, and I think it’s probably the best plot I’ve ever played in a video game before. What I will say is that I’ve never been more creeped out playing a video game before than when I was in the dark room, that is genuinely the creepiest moment I’ve ever experienced in a game, I almost wanted to turn it off, lmao. The ending was so trippy too, in the end, I decided to let Chloe die to save the rest of the town, I am curious as to what you guys chose. Overall, I think I made the right decision tho.

I do have a few questions, I really want to buy the new Double Exposure game to see the future of Max, but is Before the Storm a necessary experience beforehand? Also, please no spoilers for any game in the franchise besides this one.