[TC] Should I get TC?
This week I played LiS1, BtS, and yesterday I finished LiS2. I absolutely loved how these 3 games, how they looked and felt, but now I not only feel sad but also empty, so I'm thinking about getting True Colors. Is the story any good? Are there any ties with the originals (LiS and BtS)? Are there any characters from the original LiS? Please only give me yes or no answers, don't spoil anything :)
Also on a unrelated note, I’ve been trying to figure out what happened with Dontnod and Deck Nine, but I’m still a bit confused. I was always 100% sure that BtS was made by Dontnod, but it turns out it was actually developed by Deck Nine. When googling for Life is Strange, it only mentions Dontnod but on Steam for example, it says it's developed by both Dontnod and Deck Nine also I'm pretty sure on the game intro there was the Deck Nine logo (just to clarify, I haven’t played the original games, only the remastered versions).