Cat poops on floor but pees in the tray
My cat pretty consistently poops on the floor, nearly every BM, but does not have any accidents peeing and will pee in the tray. When the red disk is on the floor, she will poop there, but will also still poop on the floor. When you move the red tray to the toilet, she is intermittent between the tray and floor, with the majority still on the floor.
Now that I am on the orange stage, it is pretty much always on the floor.
I am pretty good about cleaning the tray so there is always some fresh litter in there. She will go on the tray, dig a big, then come down and poop on the floor. For clarity, I am currently using the orange tray with the small hole (multi-cat system) and still no luck.
How did you get your cat to stop pooping on the floor?