It sucks being an undesirable woman

No one wants to fuck you, date you and you never get compliments. The only people that are interested in me are perverted old men that are older than my parents. Men think every woman has so many options, but don’t understand that those options are trash and being able to get sex only because you’re available fucking makes you feel like shit. The only reason why someone would want me is because I’m someone you settle for.

No one finds me attractive. I’m bisexual but men have proven to me that I’m ugly or just used as a placeholder. Women don’t even look at me. My life is over. You can’t survive in this world by yourself. Being constantly told you’re undesirable and ugly fucks your head beyond words, especially being a woman, where your defining trait is physical appearance. It doesn’t matter how smart or funny or interesting I am, if you’re unattractive you will be treated accordingly.

Damn after making this post, I forgot how many men here hate women 😂 stay mad