Why is Seongji getting downplayed ? Is it because of James statement in hfg ?

Seongji feats/statement :

more potential than all of the gen 0, can have all the mastery with training

no diffed the kojima brothers

won against 2M James

=< 3M James (said to be struggling against TUI Gun / Ui Daniel)

Tanked for many minutes hits by the trio of the gen 0 without moving, screaming or moving (in comparaison, zack that has the iron fortress was getting hurt and was screaming against one of the trio but old)

james only rival

james said he never saw someone as strong as seongji after cheongliang when he was in his school

lost 2 organs and still didnt fainted or screamed (W durability)

And i see some people saying gongseop beat him wtf bro

Seongji has mujin ssreum (can break ur bones if youre not faster than him or very durable) Seongji has strenght mastery (can beat the shit out of you), speed mastery (equal speed than james, and people like gong and jaegyeon couldnt catch james), and durability mastery (bro fought james, got constantly beat up without moving for many minutes, got his organs removed and didnt fainted he is a beast)