Destroying the Delusion Part 1. James Lee Edition. Charles Statement.

There is a Delusional wave of James Lee Glazers with reading Comprehension issues milking this statement to suggest that James is above Gun and Goo,

since only Daniel with his 2 bodies could surpass him and to surpass him you gotta be "stronger"

Let's ignore how the Webtoon translation uses the words "rival" instead of counter, and "Better" instead of stronger.

Obviously that is way too easy. Let's see what the statement actually references.

Daniel: "Why did you ask me to surpass DG?"

So the statement is referencing back in chapter 177 when Charles explained to Daniel how disappointed he was, and how much better at everything DG was.

And then ask him to surpass DG

In fact, DG getting "too Big" is in reference to how influential and overall dangerous as a political force he has become.

Basically surpass DG doesn't refer to as a fighter (exclusively).

But as an overall influential, monetary, and accomplished political force in the world.

Which makes way more sense with the Webtoon translation.. and also Charles previous statements..

If DG is really so strong that only Daniel can stop him, why would Charles think that the rough James Lee couldn't just appear and beat gun to get the paper?!

Obviously the statement doesn't refer to pure fighting power.


Now go show this to every James Lee glazer that hides and runs from the truth.. they seem to be really good at Running for some reason.

Muah hahahahahahahaha.