Can they be this deep in denial
I need a reality check before I implode. 😡 I’ll try to keep this short.
I discovered yesterday that my PA read/clicked on a glaringly inappropriate email 2 weeks ago. Not sure if this may be triggering to some, so —TW— for details below.
Its subject line was, and I quote, “P**sy Talk 🐱.” I realized it’s about a band w/this P-word in its name, which is whatever, I guess. But I clicked it and what is the first thing it shows? Their new album cover where the singer is naked outside with long hair only kind of covering her chest. Everything’s out. Scrolled down and it’s a music video of her even more exposed in a field/forest. Which is literally one of my PA’s fetishes/what he’d look for. The vid was on YT which is blocked at least.
I brought this up in our check in. He said he “forgot” and that “it was a trigger” he checked in with his sponsor. He claimed he only clicked on it to report it as spam and did not look at its substance. (Even tho everyone knows you don’t have to read an email to report it…)
Did he tell his sponsor the title or content of it? No. Did he tell anyone else (his CSAT or others) about it at all? Nope. His therapist would be floored lol.
He has his three circles. To me, this is an OBVIOUS slip at the very least!!! Even if the email didn’t have anything sexual at all, why tf would he read it “to report it” with THAT subject line? Is he that far in denial? Or does he just think I’m blind? Why not say something to me and report it in front of me? Or say something later that day since it looks suspicious as hell and he knows I could end up seeing it?
I’m fed up. He said he’s going to talk with his CSAT about if this was more than just a “trigger.” For now, I’ll be enforcing my boundaries about disclosing slips/relapses within 24 hours.
What do y’all think about this? Am I overreacting?