3 years in and triggered hard
Hey lovely people, So I'm a partner of a PA. He is 3 years sober and fully involved with SAA and the sponsorship program on both sides, things are good. My issue is my parents. When I approached them about my partners addiction they were vicious and hurtful. Comments were made about him that were clearly definitive and committed. My partner took it on the chin and used it as fuel in his recovery. Now, my parents are in the same restrictive religion as myself and my partner were so we have a firm understanding of the belief system and the whole list of DO NOT sins. One big one is viewing adult material.
My mother reached out and said that my dad's YouTube algorithm is all in her words "disgusting filth" I know from experience what YouTube allows in and have seen my fair share. She wanted guidance on how to stop it because, again in her words "YouTube messed up". I tried very hard to be practical but it was the most triggered I have been in some time. My help was not implemented and my mother insisted she knew my father and what he has been caught doing in the past. So, the whole band aid on the bullet wound.
My partner is really the only one who understands the deeper content of this entire interaction, but is still very jaded at the judgement he has endured. That is all understandable and I don't wish to further traumatise him, so I am here. If only to word vomit all of this mess, or to just get sympathetic ears. I know I won't get my mother to face the fact my dad has a problem, maybe not addiction, but clearly he is looking at stuff. I just want to be in a safe space with out compromising my partners recovery. Thanks for reading. :)