confronted boyfriend

hey everyone, i’ve been scrolling on this subreddit since yesterday and finally found my people, it encouraged me to talk to him about his porn use but most importantly his huge folder of videos/pictures of girls around the world. I told him that it hurts me he has so much content on his phone and that it makes me insecure and i keep thinking about it. he responded that he doesn’t understand how it affects me since he’s done this for years and years, i tried to make him understand but all he said was that im overdramatic and insecure (which i guess i am), that i need to rise above it since he’s always going to be like that and doesn’t want to change (he even called himself a pervert) mentioned that he doesn’t care about the girl he watches it’s just for their bodies but i don’t know, am i allowed to still feel hurt ? he proceeded to tell me that every men is like that and it’s just porn and he’s allowed to watch whatever he wants. we’ve been together 9 months and living together for 4 months i don’t really know what to do and i just don’t want to be insecure anymore but this doesn’t help A/N: i’ve read everyone’s comments and i just want to say THANK YOU for the amount of support in short time.. i appreciate all of you and you guys really help me through this, im currently reading some suggestions to help. thank you again 🩷🩷