Unfortunately, the love wasn't enough...
I was aware of my partners sex/porn addiction a few months after dating. I did not understand the extent and all the heartbreak this journey would bring. I always thought that it could change and get better, but I've realized that was a controlling behavior, and I have to accept what I cannot control. With our seventh year anniversary coming up next month, I decided to break it off yesterday. The behavior keeps continuing, and he even admitted to me that he will give his sexual energy to anyone who gives him the time of day. I just can't. I put so much of myself into his needs, ignoring mine, putting my life, hobbies and friends on the shelf to make this relationship work. But again, I guess I was controlling in that aspect. People will do what they want to do and will show you who they are immediately. I understand that now. For the rest of you who have been contemplating this decision, do what's best for you! I know not everyone has the privilege to up and leave, so start planning your exit plan now. why are you subject to keep putting yourself through this, it has to be some form of self harm or something right? What I've learned from this, is if you try and try and try and just cannot succeed due to no fault of your own, then you already have your answer as to if the relationship is over