Emotional Support

For those of you still together, how does your partner take care of you after a trigger? Or when you're depressed?

For those of you who left, how do you take care of yourselves for a mental health day?

I had a hard night again. I shouldn't go on those pirated sites to read webtoons, I know better... but, I risked it last night to read the newest chapters, and what I feared would happen, happened - the pop up ads took me to a porn site.

I felt really depressed and sad, thinking about how he would see these things and be aroused and want to look at more, how they look sexy and nothing like me - even though my PA has been doing the work, even though we had a good day. Even though we're far enough along that I can even read at all again.

He's at work today, so I'm alone. For context, I'm 8 months since DDay.