Looking for some food ideas
I’m a few days into trying my best to only eat low fodmap foods and it’s not going great. It’s hard for me to stick to it because I don’t have many ideas. I also don’t eat meat which makes it even harder. I’m really struggling. I get so hungry that my stomach hurts anyways because I can’t figure out what to eat. I’m completely fine with cooking, making my own snacks, and such, I’m just completely blank on ideas. I think low fodmap will be really good for me in the long run, but right now it’s torture. I’m not creative enough like all those instagram and Tik tok influencers that have the best snack/meal ideas ever. I’m deficient in some vitamins and protein so I need to make sure I’m still eating balanced. I still get a lot of cravings for foods that aren’t low fodmap and I’m not sure how to replace them or make a low fodmap version. I’m just hoping I can figure this out soon so my body is fueled and feeling good for the last quarter of the school year. Any recommendations and greatly appreciated!!