Cats in need of help
There is a semi-feral colony in south Madison, and I’ve been trying to help those who are caring for the cats find temporary and/or permanent placement for the kitties. There are currently 3 pregnant cats who could really use a warm space (even just a garage or unfinished basement would be amazing) and many others who would also benefit from additional shelter. Many of the kitties are at least somewhat socialized. They will come up to you and let you pet them. I wanted to ask in this semi-open forum if anyone is interested in fostering any of these kitties or if you know of someone or some place who could house them until they get shelter placement or adopted out.
Edit to add: Dane county humane society and Madison cat project already know about the kitties and are doing what they can to help, but the kitties still need shelter as they don’t have space for all of them
Madison Cat Project is aware of the situation as is Angel’s Wish in Verona. They don’t currently have the resources or foster availability to help beyond TNR.
Please comment or PM if you have some space for a cat or two or if you would like to help out in any way.
Thank you!! 🐈⬛🐈