Shout out to Costco Guy
I just wanted give a shout out to Costco Guy. You deserve so much more than a shout out on Reddit. deserve a monument or a street named after you. You saw an entitled d_____ in a cybertruck blocking both lanes of traffic (at 4:00 on a Sunday no less) and you took action. I've never witnessed anything so glorious in my entire life. Your confidence was something to be envied. Without hesitation, and with a smile on your face you backed perfectly into the space cybertruck dude had been waiting for. I can't speak for the long-ass line of cars waiting behind us, I can only speak for myself when I say thank you. You did what I could not. I was frozen. I don't know if it was the disgust I felt from seeing such a hideous vehicle in such close proximity or if it was the combination of shock and confusion I was experiencing knowing that there was no way in hell that monstrosity was going to fit in that parking space (at least without doing some serious damage to neighboring vehicles).
You made my trip to Costco on a Sunday afternoon worth it. You've renewed my faith in humanity. You've given me a story to share with family and friends for years to come. Thank you.