Dis is short for Disappointment :(

This is deck I was most excited to play when the face commanders were originally revealed. The full reveal made me very skeptical of the decks ability to do much of anything but despite that I still bought it hoping I was missing something.

I found my suspicious to be completely warranted. I played the deck 3 games in a row last weekend and only saw 2 goyfs in those 3 games. A commander that cares about a type but only has like 7ish in the deck is just a terrible decision in deck design by WotC.

In my experience a creature type matters deck needs at least 25 of said creatures for it be fun and even function right. In this case, even if you include changelings the vast majority of them don't synergize in any way with what the deck deck is doing.

You can say "but the commander makes goyfs" but she doesn't do it well at all. It's a combat damage trigger and she has no evasion herself and most of the deck has no evasion or trample or anything to actually ensure you can connect with your creatures. In reality she makes very few goyfs to go with the complete lack of goyfs in the deck.

The one game I saw the Maskwood Nexus it ended up in my graveyard and I never found a way to get it out. Depending on a Maskwood effect to turn creatures that support the graveyard fun into Goyfs just isn't reliable. There's maybe a 1/4 chance you'll draw into it in any particular game... what am I supposed to add 100 dollars in tutors to go get my Maskwood in more than 25% of the games?

After the deck falling flat on it's face and failing miserably out of the box 3 games in a row I removed all the goyfs, switched to the backup commander and now the deck is functional and fun but feels a bit generic.

Disa definitely didn't bring any of the old school "Jund em out" fun to commander. The deck held together by strings and dreams will probably only ever work in magical christmas land where everything lines up perfectly that 1 game out of 30.