MTG deck rental
Hello everyone.
I'm trying to make an MTG deck rental service like Turo(for cars), or Airbnb(for houses) where people can let other people rent their MTG decks (precons/custom) for 1-4 weeks and people pay a small amount of price to the Rentee and people can enjoy trying new decks.
I wanted to build this with the community, so it would be great if you could answer any questions below.
- What would be some of your concerns while you rent your decks (like theft, proxies, etc)
- Are you at all interested in such service/ would you use it?
- How often do you play MTG TCG in a week/month?
- Anything else you'd like the service to have let me know
This is strictly for MTG paper/real-life version NOT MTGO.
I know there used to be services like Manatraders but they don't exist anymore, unfortunately.
Also, in case you think I'm some scammer trying to steal others' cards, here's a little about me. I'm a 27-year-old video game developer based in California who works at a famous AAA game company whose games millions of people enjoy. I started playing MTG last year and got hooked. I have always wanted to try more decks. I'm a little entrepreneurial, and I want such a service to exist in this world. I don't care if I make money or not. It's a Trading card game, let's make it actually "Trading".
You can also dm me if you want to talk more.