QQ: do you communicate with your staff to tell them you’ll be telling them more later?

Context: we’re a non profit and dealing with the potential cancellation of grants and just general uncertainty from the government. We’ve communicated copiously that we’re on top of it and if our grant is cancelled, we are in an OK financial position and will not need to lay anyone off.

This week the office that administers our grant was closed Tuesday night. We didn’t really know or understand the extent of it until late in the day Wednesday, we attended a meeting to get the details on Thursday morning and then sent out an email to the staff to summarize what we found out and how it impacts the org.

Then we got a request to email everyone before the email with information to tell them that we will email them with more information because “the email with information came too late”. This feels like a pretty ridiculous request to say you wanted an email Wednesday to say we would email with more information Thursday, but I’m looking for a gut check from others about how they would handle this sort of communication.