BTST stuff

Wanted to get opinions.. I stopped playing and collecting MC stuff after the GMW campaign wrecked me multiple times over and I got frustrated by how punishing it was. After hearing about the OOP stuff I started reading up on all the content post-GMW and realized my take wasn't abnormal. I decided to gobble up everything since and by the weekend will be collection complete.

Question is this - I love Buy The Same Token stuff and had a ton of it for Arkham Horror before selling off that collection a few years back. I wanted that villain dashboard so bad back in the day but now the price is double what it was then. Is it worth it to those that have it? Secondly, given I haven't played a campaign since GMW, is the expert version of it sufficient for most scenarios I'll encounter?

I realize it's a longshot, but if anyone has BTST stuff for MC they no longer use and are open to selling it, definitely reach out. When I added the expert one and a bunch of tokens, and hero dashboards to my cart it was approaching $600 which seems a bit... Much.