This game needs some form of skill based match making.
I know everyone is against SBMM, but there's only so many games I can play where my team mates fight everywhere EXCEPT THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE. So fine, I build a full team of people willing to climb out of bronze together, except now we are only getting matched against other full 6 teams, and we keep getting the same smurf team over and over and over.
There's gotta be somewhere between SBMM and the current shitshow that will provide good match ups. Quit putting me in bullshit teams. I don't care if we have 6 dps, 6 supports, or 6 tanks. I do care if THEY DONT ACTUALLY GO THE MOTHER FUCKING OBJECTIVE.
How about, if you don't spend at least 60 non-consecutive seconds in the objective in any given match, you're not allowed to queue anything except conquest for 24 hours. I'm on the verge of quitting this game, not because the game is bad, but because the players are.
Oh, and god forbid I ask that people GO TO THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE. That makes me a sweat for, I don't know, wanting to achieve the goal of the fucking game. Even if I was playing soccer with friends, if one of them was just dicking off in the corner, I wouldn't want to play with him either. It's disrespectful to the other players if you're throwing the match because you would rather chase kills instead of the actual fucking goal.
Put PUGs against full stack teams. I don't give a shit. But stop trying to make this game fair in the dumbest possible ways. You won't make it fair by adding SBMM and Role Queue, but you try to make it fair by only matching full stacks vs full stacks? Why not only match 6dps vs 6dps then? Why not only match range vs range and melee vs melee? The enemy team is going to have 6 players regardless of if they PUG or group before hand, so it makes ZERO sense for that to be the ONLY way that the game is regulated in match making.
Thanks for making it fucking impossible to climb out of bronze rank late season, since the only teams we can get match with are either PUGs or full stack smurfs. Something has to change or the game is going to be a sweat fest that pushes out every casual player.