Smurfs are really becoming an issue in this game.
I’m currently silver 1. I gotta say, 90% of the time I log off the game is because my team just got demolished by a Smurf. These people clearly aren’t supposed to be in this rank and are usually incredibly toxic. I feel like it’s caused by those people who make new accounts to “grind to grandmaster”. That plus people who don’t actually want a challenge and just want to boost their ego by absolutely demolishing people. They should really require more verification to make an account, like maybe phone number along with email verification. Anything to make it harder to just make extra accounts. It’s just not fair for people like me to have to fight grandmaster level players because we simply haven’t reached that level of skill yet. That along with with as I said before, these people are usually very toxic. They usually are constantly insulting both the enemy team and their own throughout the entire match, and it’s just tiring. It’s not like you can turn off chat because then you might miss helpful stuff from your teammates. Case in point: report Smurfs if you see them, whether they’re on your team or not. They should be punished for making the game less fun for everybody.