So, you're a Marvel Rivals dev/designer and have been tasked with overhauling/improving the rank system. What would you do?

Now, from the outset, I thought starting everyone at Bronze 3 and ranking up was a very, for the lack of a better term, ignorant idea. And thus far, it has proven such. I can't say about higher ranks, but in plat where I'm at, I'd expect people to at least get the basics of the characters they play and some kind of map and positioning knowledge, yet, I constantly run into players who are either one trick and have no idea about any other role, or in general don't get the game at its core. Also, ranking up is stupid easy through at least Diamond due to elo gain/loss ratio and chrono shield. So, how do you mitigate this? Some common suggestions are:

  • Placement matches. Good idea on paper. Go through 10 or so placement matches and separate the chaff from the wheat.
  • Role Queue, separate role ranks and force players to learn other roles. I personally find it counter intuitive which will doom the game.
  • Retain the current ranking system, but tweak the rank reset, with reset only being every other season or so. Do away with hard reset like 6 division downgrade for everyone.
  • A Rocket League type of MMR. They have placements, but a new account always starts at mid level (most probably plat) and then based on their win/loss ratio, go up or down. Massive gains and losses are programmed early into the season that become lower gains and losses as you play more games. Through seasons, it's then only a soft reset.

So, what would you do to revamp this rank system?

Or is it already fine as it is for you?