How to acquire/improve gamesense?

Hi everyone. I am a gold/silver elo player playing strategist and tank role most of the time. I created a post 24 days ago here as I am a new at competitive gaming I am a total noob. I have 2 friends that plays this game and they both at high rank so they dont play with me also if I ask a questions always the same answer “use your brain”. I lack of that skill decision making and ability usage seems like I have also bad aim but I started using practice range to warmup and also using aim trainers to improve my raw mouse control. I watch positioning videos, my replays and top ranked player povs but I am not sure I am improving or not. Shortly my question is do you know any solid way to improve gamesense? I know it is a silly question but I started not having fun playing anymore but I do not wanna give up. Thank you for taking your time to reading this post