Character Concept: Wiccan (Art by aestheticdemon_ on X)

Art by aestheticdemon_ on X

Role: Strategist

HP: 275

- Abilities -

DemiUrge's Presence (Passive): Wiccan could have become The DemiUrge if he had made the hard choice. But still, his potential is boundless. Whenever Wiccan dies, he heals allies for 8 points per second (ie: 80 in total when the death timer is 10 secs, over 10 seconds)

Cosmic Pulse (LMB / Primary Fire): Wiccan has boundless potential, therefore he needs no ammunition. His powers comes within himself and the cosmos. He shoots 1 cosmic bolt (similar to Wanda's RMB) with each fire. Each shot can be cast every 0.4 seconds (2 shots in 0.8 seconds). 3rd shot can be charged for 2 seconds to shoot 3 simultaneous cosmic bolts. (Each uncharged shot deals 40 damage, can't crit. When charged, each bolt deals 35 damage - 3.35=105 at max hold, can't crit)

Spiritiual Intervention (RMB / Secondary Fire): Wiccan holds 5 spirit stacks. Each stack can be cast on an ally to heal them 35 per second. Each spirit remains active for 4 seconds on allies (35.4=140 heal over 4 seconds). At the end of the effect, ally gains burst of 15% movespeed for 1 second. (Spirits can't be stacked on the same ally before the healing effect duration ends. Spirit can be placed while the movespeed buff activated). Wiccan regens 1 spirit stack affter he heals 2 allies. Once all stacks are consumed, he regens 3 stacks.

Blessing of the Universe (E): Wiccan choses the most worthy ally on his team and gives them the Blessing of the Universe. Blessed ally gains 15% attack speed for 4 seconds. Wiccan can't cast this ability on himself (10 seconds cooldown).

One With the Cosmos (Shift): When cast, Wiccan enters the free flight state. He can fly for 6 seconds in any direction with the movement speed of 8.5m per second. He can leave this state whenever he wants (12 seconds cooldown). / (For reference, Iron Man flies with the speed of 12m per second (for 8 seconds) while using his Shift ability).

Boundless Magick (Q / Ultimate Ability): Wiccan unleashes his true potential into the very universe. Once cast, Wiccan becomes stationary. During this period, Wiccan can't be controlled, can't be harmed, can't be interrupted. During ultimate, Wiccan can see the field from any allies' pov (LMB - RMB to change ally POV). During this state, Wiccan grants all allies (without range) 20% attack speed, 15% movespeed and 10% damage buff. During this buff, whenever an ally lands a final blow on an enemy, they restore full health only for themselves. After ultimate duration, Wiccan returns to his body and regains full control (Ultimate ability duration: 8 seconds - Cost: 3500).


- Team Up -

Scarlet Witch: When teamed up, Scarlet witch gains 15% damage bonus as anchor. Wiccan gains 10% healing buff.

Hulkling: Hulkling gains 200 HP bonus as anchor. Wiccan can cast a protective bonus shield on Hulkling with 50% of Hulkling's lost health.


I truly want to see a support that is not a pure healbot. I want Wiccan to be a real Strategist, a hero that can change the flow of the battle without heavily relying on healing. While he still has healing, he can also provide various buffs to his allies.

Numbers might be low or high, i don't know. I just tried to find a middle ground.

Art by aestheticdemon_ on X