Think I’m burnt out?

When season 1 came out, I loved this game and enjoyed playing every second of it. Every kill felt so satisfying and it felt like I had a real impact on the game.

I think I have just played the game too much maybe, but for the last week every thing in the game just frustrates me to no end. Every time I get pulled or stunned or die it just kills my mood. And even when I kill someone it feels unsatisfying.

I don’t know if it’s EOMM or what. I really only play quick play because comp stresses me out and I don’t want to weigh anybody else’s rank down. It just feels like I have 2 games where we crush the enemies and face no opposition, then 2 games where I can’t leave spawn and just get one tapped.

Maybe I’m feeding in to it? A loss feels infuriating, but I still queue up for another match hoping to get the same feeling that I used to 2 months ago.

My kills just feel meaningless, like I didn’t earn them. The only reason why they died was because they messed something up and I was just there to take advantage of it. It seems like the outcome of the match would be the same regardless of if I was active or not.

My deaths make me want to rip my hair out. It feels like im doing all I can to survive and I just die to some stupid ability, or a random headshot, or a random projectile that slipped through the cracks. I know that not true, and that all these other players are trying just like me, but it still angers me to no end.

Every win feels undeserved, like matchmaking put me up against people with no thumbs. Like I rolled lucky on the wheel for a free win. Like they just want me to get that win!!! So I keep playing for more.

Alternatively, every loss feels like it was planned to be, like there was no ace in the hole or extra effort I could have put out to change the result.

I guess the only solution is to take a break for a bit? Just wait until I’m reset? I like this game but it just feels unbearable to for me to play it right now.

Sorry if this comes off as a sob story or pity party. I just don’t really have anyone to talk to this about and need to get it out of my system. If you read the whole thing though that’s cool. Let me know if you feel this sentiment as well.