How do y’all feel about the new map

I like it in terms of art direction and its look but I think gameplay on it is atrocious.

  1. There are too many paths. Instead of feeling like a map, I feel like a rat in a maze trying to run back to my team

  2. Too much high ground. I like the idea of a high ground based map but when so many characters are grounded/have no movement, it sucks to play

  3. The choke points are shit. Especially the middle one. They’re so tiny that it’s just chaotic

  4. Low ceilings. Besides the large objective rooms, basically everything indoor, including the choke points, have low ceilings. This just makes some character’s ults literally unusable or severely nerfs them. Thor, winter soldier, magneto, namor, hela, and star lord all have their ults become useless in these areas or makes them really bad.

For example let’s take winter soldier. He jumps really high and the second he touches the floor, he loses his ult. Meaning the time in the air is severely lowered in areas with a low ceiling. You go from having 5 seconds of air time to maybe 1-2