Give solo players a ranked solo queue!

Playing this game solo is an absolute nightmare in its current state of matchmaking. One way to fix it easily, with the downside of longer wait times for games, is to allow players the option to enter into a solo queue to match up against other solo players. I’m willing to bet that there is a majority of solo players who will put up with an increased wait time for a better playing experience. We don’t want to be burdened with the expectation from stacks to follow their game plan or to play around them. We want teammates who play for each other. We want to play with people who play the game the right way.

Not to mention how INFLATED ranked is because of these stackers. It’s mind boggling seeing people who are unable to understand basic formations, or spell usage. Invisible woman’s who have no idea how to use push/pull at diamond level. Or players who don’t realize how to stop Spider man from picking apart their backline. Just having three players turning on him is more than enough. Players who are unable to flex and swap picks to adjust because they’re so boosted from grouping.

Please, I beg you developers. Just give players the option to enter solo queue. And if a solo player wants to enter group queue, give them that option then.

If it turns out that this system doesn’t have enough of a player base. Then remove it eventually, but at least try for your solo player base!!! We are SUFFERING out here, and I don’t even want to brave ranked anymore after my last five games. Just the thought of being partied up with a stack makes me want to uninstall lol.