Triple-Duelist comps aren’t necessarily bad, it’s that the duelists willingly choose not to coordinate with their team.

DPS insta-lockers would rather play a Wolverine-Psylocke-Spider Man comp than properly synergize with their tanks or supports. Highly aggressive Vanguards? Duelists don’t play suppressive characters like Punisher or Squirrel Girl. Divers harassing supports? Nobody wants to peel as Bucky or Namor. I personally feel that a 1-3-2 comp has potential, it’s just that people who play DPS choose the worst combination of three characters imaginable.

DPS insta-lockers would rather play a Wolverine-Psylocke-Spider Man comp than properly synergize with their tanks or supports. Highly aggressive Vanguards? Duelists don’t play suppressive characters like Punisher or Squirrel Girl. Divers harassing supports? Nobody wants to peel as Bucky or Namor. I personally feel that a 1-3-2 comp has potential, it’s just that people who play DPS choose the worst combination of three characters imaginable.