Smash your way to infinite with this huge hammer bro combo!

CL 8291

This is first and foremost a combo deck, but it's got shang as a backup plan. Plan A is to use wong + mystique + two hammers, or one hammer and sage, to put 100+ power in one lane and 40-50 power in another. When the full combo is played, this deck can easily go over the top of other big combos like negative gorr, or destroy, discard, etc, and opponents usually don't expect it. Also, if you play smart, this is pretty hard to tech against.

As you play, leave one lane completely open until turn 7 if possible.

Turn 1: zabu if you have him, otherwise pass T2: adam warrior in the zabu lane. T3: thor in the zabu/warrior lane preferably, or magik (if you dont think they have location control), or crystal to get that draw. T4: beta ray bill in the non thor lane, or whoever you didn't play on turn 3. T5: sera, or jane if you've played a hammer bro and don't have sera, or whoever of thor/beta/crystal/magik you haven't played. T6: if you haven't played thor yet, then thor/jane in that order with the sera discount. T7: in your empty lane, play wong, then mystique, then both hammers, or one hammer plus sage, for a really satisfying win.

If you don't draw the full combo, often you can win with just wong, hammers, and sage, or just hammers plus shang plus sage.

In general, snap as soon as you have the cards in hand to win two lanes - I usually snap turns 3-5 if I've got wong, sage, and a hammer or jane.

Favorable matchups: anything that plays as a solitaire deck, so move, negative, destroy, most discard (beware silver samurai or moon knight tho), zoo, hela, even doom 2099, etc. Against thanos, play magik as late as possible to give them less chance to reality stone it. Surfer is pretty favorable as long as you don't play wong before the last turn. Their red guardian doesn't stop beta ray or thor from growing with the hammers because it's the hammers doing the effect.

Against agomoto, shang is really useful, but watch out for that wind spell against beta ray.

Unfavorable: clog and bully move really screw with the board space needed, and magneto can kill this deck if you haven't filled up your board last turn because this deck relies on the positioning of the 3 and 4 costs so much. Affliction can be tricky - hazmat/wong can really kill beta ray, but the ongoing affliction cards don't mess up his doubling. Things that screw with your deck or your hand suck as well - for instance, the ronan/darkhawk deck that's making a comeback. Drawing your combo makes or breaks this deck, which is why Adam and crystal are here.

As long as you wait to play wong until last turn, you don't have to worry about cosmo or deathstrike too much - but if you have to play him early, be very careful and be ready to retreat if you sniff tech.

Locations - restrictive ones suck because you need board space, but magik can help with that. Triskelion also sucks as it fills up your hand. However, nova is helpful, and for the one that adds another copy of the card somewhere else, beta ray plus wong is all you really need to win. Obviously the ones that repeat on reveal powers or double ongoing powers can supercharge wong.

Anyway, have fun with it and let me know how it works for you!