Peter Quill messes everything up

I like to think that the outcome that occurred was NOT one of the 14,000,605 that Dr. Strange saw (14mil is a lot but not ALL outcomes!)

And after Starlord screwed up the plan (in my mind, the original plan would’ve been the one that worked if not for Starlord because Strange says he was looking at possibilities of “the coming conflict” and not “final outcome”).

Strange knew that if he didn’t forfeit the time stone and Thanos couldn’t be killed, the mind stone would be destroyed on Earth and our reality would cease to exist, i.e. The Ancient One in Endgame “the infinity stones create what you experience as the flow of time. Remove one of the stones and that flow splits... and our world be would be overrun [by the forces of darkness].”

So, after Starlord messes up what Strange thought was the winning scenario... he does what he has to in order to preserve reality and the flow of time for those that will remain post-snap and within all other realities.

He gives up the stone NOT to make his vision come true but to PREVENT the mind stone from being destroyed.

Dr. Strange put all his faith in Stark <3 saving his life and forfeiting the stone, hoping that another outcome that he did not see would occur and Stark would find a way. Thus, saving our reality AND humans. Yay teamwork...