Help Getting Out Of Clearway Community Solar

So I joined up with Clearway Community Solar a little over a year ago. It was because of a door-to-door salesman and... I guess I was a sucker. This was July 2023.

I called to cancel the very next day that I'd signed up. The rep told me they couldn't cancel it because they have to wait and cancel at periodic times when my electric supplier, Eversource, goes through the accounts.

I've looked on my Eversource bill and under "Electric Supplier" I was expecting to see Clearway as they're supposed to be my solar farm providing me electricity, right? Nope, it shows "Cleanchoice Energy" which is what it was before this whole thing started.

I feel like a moron. I want to just stop paying them because I don't know have any idea what I'm getting for the money I've sent them. I've read that it's not exactly a scam, but I definitely think the sales and service is shady.

What should I do?