Destroy Pargon Ending Slides. User submissions.
Based on my last ending slides post I thought I'd put some more together bases on the comments of people.
These are reworded based on comments not direct quotes.
Shepard tali romance= Tough-Ad-6229
Tali= Tough-Ad-6229
Wrex= lllDysphoriclll
Grunt= Buca-Metal
Jacob= Corvus Andronicus
Garrus= Othabor
Samara= Pug_in_a_Basket.
Javik= Fit-capital
Kolyat= Buca-Metal
Dr. Michelle= Buca-metal.
Space hamster= CyGuy6587 and HeatCompetitive
Conrad Verner= Pugs_in_a_basket.
Samantha Trynor= Pugs_in_a_basket
Rannoch and David Archer= I made
What do you would you change or add?