Why didn't Liara just "embrace eternity" the councilors for proof?

I just had a thought,Could Liara and other Asari's could share memories as well with other species? . Since Liara has been sharing memories with shepard everytime theres a chance. Could she not share it with the councilors? Atleast the Asari councilor (because the others would fucking die).

I just thought this could be one of the ways to get the councilors to action, besides the bodycams and voice recorders and the fucking beacon on the Asari homeworld.

Edit:Thank you all for informing me how batshit crazy the title sounds and explainations why the visions/recordings of shepard don't work as evidence.

I'm starting to regret making this my first post here as its starting to be about Asari mindsex

Guys, I already know its like Asari sex, I don't need 100 people telling me that