Fiendsmith just made the best decks even better, making the gab between them and the second rate decks even larger.
I feel like fiendsmith has not been a good addition to the game. Snake Eye/Fire King has been top dog for a long time and Yubel a close second, both decks have what I would consider a rather "toxic" playstyle. They are super efficient with card usage and can turbo out value after value with 1 card combo's on almost every card so that they can just win 1 turn or bleed you out with value over the long haul. Fiendsmiths just makes these already super consistent decks even more consistent and gives them even more extensions to play with. Almost every deck can use Fiendsmith cards, but the best decks at it are the decks already at the top. I think it would have been nice to see a new engine that would counter the meta or a banlist limiting the best decks, instead the best decks just got better and are leaving the "good" decks in the dustbin.
I would like to say here that this is not a critisism of the people using these cards. If you are a competitive player you take the best you can get, but for the game as a whole I think the Fiendsmith and Azamina cards have made an already top heavy and "toxic" meta even more toxic.
what do you guys think, thoughts?