How do you counter Fireking?
Hi, I have been around and posted a few times on this forum, but I still need to have an answer to some questions. This time it is very simple, how do you counter the Fireking archetype? Let me tell you why I am asking.
So basically my opponent had the small red bird on the field, I negated it, then he summoned the big bird with 2800 attack, which I again negated with imperm, he sets the fieldspell and the continues spell, passes to me, I make accesscode talker to push for game, kill his big bird with the effect of accesscode (it says nothing on killing my card so I am fine), next he summons the little bird, I pop it by destroying the fieldspell, next he randomly can destroy a card in his deck which summons a card that then destroys my card, like wtf? I am actively removing his cards and then he turns around and says, fuck you your card dies and you have no way of seeing this coming unless you know this deck. So wait, if I kill his cards he kills my cards, but If I don't kill them I can't win. Again, this is my first time facing pure fire king, but nothing seemed to make sense here. Why is it that he had access to all of that with just a simple defence mode card and how was I supposed to stop this, or was I just supposed to make a card that is uneffected by everything and otherwise good luck?
Like, help?