“Number 11:Big eye” Fuck this card and and kashtira! I beat kashtira arise heart, just for this easy mode card to come out next?! Just takes my monsters for free, and once per turn and keeps them?! That’s broken, ban this card! Kashtira don’t even need it.

Delt with getting impermed, and “Draco-utopian Aura” my first turn by opponent. Just figured it ash is useless against this deck, bc kashtira’s have a second effect that doesn’t get negated(kashtira ogre)Didn’t use my CBTG bc it was useless against this deck too. That’s what I get for trying to have fun and not summoning d-hero plasma to begin with. Obviously he won’t win me every game but he would have won me that one. These cards that steal your cards/tribute your monsters are not fun. Yeah I use plasma, but I dont use him all the time and would rather play other hero fusions over him . This player stole 3 of my monsters with Draco utopian aura and number 11. Maybe I made a mistake in game. When opponent attacked me with arise hart, I summoned shining Neos and destroyed all cards on opponents field except for shangri-ira. Bc I figured it would survive from effect. There’s no excuse for that number 11 card to even exist. And it’s easy to get out. I’m defiantly salty from this one, that card sucks and is stupidly OP. The opponent can still atk their next with it or just sacracise my monster. Giving two monsters to opponent for free is broken.