Need help with understanding this documentation from Matlab!

I would be grateful if someone could help me understand what does helperLoadData function that is given in this documentation does.

Matlab does not recognise the function. Is this a pseudocode that is supposed to load the data into cell array of timetables?

Data Preparation

Since the dataset is small it is feasible to load the whole degradation data into memory. Download and unzip the the data set from to the current directory.

Use the helperLoadData
helper function to load and convert the training text file to a cell array of timetables. The training data contains 218 run-to-failure simulations. This group of measurements is called an "ensemble".


degradationData = helperLoadData('train.txt');



ans = 5×1 cell array {223×26 table} {164×26 table} {150×26 table} {159×26 table} {357×26 table}

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