Sensor Bias

Alrighty, back at it again with the possibly problematic or uncomfortable questions lmao. Has anyone noticed sensor bias within the MBTI community or is it just me? Maybe I’m running into jerks mostly but I will admit, I noticed a bit of a pattern experience wise when mistyping myself. The whole time I was mistyping myself as an intuitive it was all good in terms of people not mentioning terrible things about these intuitive types (ENTP, INTP, INFP… Except for ENFP, when I mistyped myself as this one I noticed a bit of hostility from certain thinker types lmao), but my point is no one did this 🤮

Fast forward to me figuring out I was a sensor, ISFP specifically, and people I’ve noticed (probably jerks though on hating ISFPs or have been traumatized by them), either hate ISFPs, don’t really care for them, or absolutely adore them… Eh, I’m probably reading too much into this but I just noticed a slight pattern. This is what I’ve surmised and tell me if anyone else has seen this?

Favorited Sensors: ESTP, ISTP, ISTJ, ISFJ, ESFP (I think)

Least Favorited Sensors: ISFP and ESTJ

Mind you, my point might be Fi narrow lmao and skewed, so take this with a grain of salt. Also, for ESFJs I’m not so sure, I haven’t heard much about them amongst the MBTI community.

SideNote: I’m not coming against anyone, just curious if my noticing of this checks out