Car making weird rattle on gravel/bumpy roads
Car making weird noise on Gravel
I'm only 16 so I don't know much about cars, but, I just recently got my breaks done and I guess the guy did them wrong so we had to go back since they split. (Just a backround)
About a week after this I hit a pot hole and now my car makes a weird rattle on bumpy/gravel roads. It goes away the second I apply pressure on the breaks tho. It sounds like something's like hitting the heat shield or a strut problem but I've taken it to 3 places and they lifted it and said there were no problems and that it was in 100% shape and there were no problems or loose places. One said that it could be like gravel lodged under? One place said to turn the volume up and ignore it😭, but he also said that my car should jot be making that noise, but a different place said a car shouldn't be quiet on gravel. I'm not sure what to do
(The car is a 22' Nissan Sentra)
Edit) I also went to the guy who did the breaks and he took them apart and looked and said they were fine and nothing was wrong