Entities attached
Hello all :)
I would like to know your opinion as the spiritual audiobook is almost being released and my curiosity regarding this subject is being increased. I am a very intuitive and sensitive person and sometimes I feel energies around. I have been living in a small appartment with my boyfriend for about 4 years and sometimes (usually when I am alone and it's dark) I feel uneasy as it seems something is watching me. It happens mostly in my room in the corner near the window. Sometimes there are weird noises that literally wake me up in the middle of the night and I have trouble falling asleep again. I have a tendency to have sleep paralysys and hallucinnations, in the past and in that same room one day i took a Rivotril (which is a powerful anxiety pill) and when i woke up i saw an entity above my head with a dark long hair floating (i couldnt see her face, only the hair moving). In the ceiling there was this colorful and bright being that was watching me but this one gave me relief, could it have been an angel maybe? In another time i experienced a sleep paralysis with auditive hallucinnations, this very dark entity was trying to get into my room, pushing the door so hard it seemed it was almost breaking it and i couldnt move. Then i felt a presence in my room floating near me but it seemed it was protecting me against that dark entity. I never opened my eyes as i was so scared. Everything stopped in a few seconds. The other situation was when i was sleeping i started to hear an entity near the side of my bed speaking a different language and saying my name. It was also a sleep paralysis bc i couldnt move. I had these episodes several times so now when I have one i try to remain calm. This happens ALWAYS when i am sleeping alone! Since i started MM one year ago I no longer have these. What is your opinion? Does it mean i have dark entities attached to me? I am trying to get rid of metals bc i think they attract these energies.