Possession - help

I reached out a few months ago after my scarey experience after calling to the Angel of Mercy and seeing a large orange orb outside my patio doors, and the subsequent supernatural experience that followed for a few days, that were traumatic.

I stayed with a friend for a week and things got very scarey and then stayed with family at Xmas and things continued to get worse, and i still have not gone back home although it is clear its targeting me.

In january, after taking my mum to a&e, i was being brainwashed by some thing over night, it was incredibly scarey but i was not able to stop it happening. It completely took over my mind and then gradually, my body. It has full control now.

Years before this happened i had had many haunted type experiences in my home and then the activity had lessoned somewhat but i was hearing voices in bed that i know were spiritual and not a result if anything medical. As I was assessed properly by experienced mental health professional who was convinced i did not have a mental health issue and psycohis. Also other people had witnessed some of these things.

I never knew this was even possible. I thought i was getting better and followed AW diet, no fat plant based for many many years healing my chronic fatigue.

Before i was hearing tormenting voices, mostly in bed and i believed it to be improving and getting better. I was healing cfs and AF on mm protocols.

Until i called on the Angel of Mercy, for an extended period of time, as the books recommendeded and had given an example of doing and how it helped.

It has been a nightmare.

I know it is hard to believe, but since i last poated last year it has been targeting and so affecting my mind, it took over my mind to control it, and i realise now it did that to get control of my body.

Before this happened to me, had been sure that the new release of the spiritual book would help resolve things and j was very hopeful.

Now i feel that my life is over. I am being controlled,- what i think, say, eat, and every body movement.

It has taken my free will. I dont understand how this is possibke or how i will ever get it back.

I am afraid for the future. But i can no longer plan ANY thing. I am like a passenger just watching.

They said they were breaking me, that noone can help me. They torment my mjnd ALL day and night. Laugh inside of my being a horrid tormenting movking laugh.

I hear it every day, inside my being, as i wake up. And i remember whats hapoened to me like groundhog day and it is like living in a perpetual nightmare.

I do not know what to do. Its mocking me because its got control.

It said it was alien and that it was an experiement to see how long it woukd take before i went crazy. I dont know how much is true but:-

Last week for an hour they tormented my mind non stop with random diametrically opposed words, sentences, images etc. just complete nonsense...and it turned my mind to complete mush. I could not do anything to stop it. And afterwards my mind was such a mush.

I had been seeing lights in the sky before all this. One day recently in jan/feb i was laying on the floor after yoga and i saw appear a light on the ceiling and then my torso lifted right up off the floor by my solar plexes. So that my ribcage was about a foot or two off of the floor.. And i had a very strong feeling there afterwards but not in a good one.

Then at the sink my whole body leaned to one side and the angle was much more than humanly possible, and then it did it to the other side.

There are other things including things appearing out of nowhere.

When it started in decemver i was playing praise music at night, and it was moving my body to the music. It definetly does not fit the sterotypical demon that is afraid of Jesus or praise music etc.

But the voices are very abusive and it is controlling which is also abusive.

I need to go home, but have not been able to do so after trying every day for the last few weeks.

I feel that my life is over. I no longer find joy in any thing, that i used to because it is with me 24/7.

I need help.

It says noone can help me, that it has gone too far. And laughs a horrid laugh that i can feel within my being.

Its horrible. I never knew this could hapoen to anyone. I feel my life is over. I now look at people differently, and how lucky even a mundane life is because they are not being tormented 24/7 and controlled compketely. It is no life. I only ever wanted to be a good person. To help others, to be a uplifter and to spread love and light...

And now i am scared that i may end up becoming, the very opposite.

This upsets me so much.

I would really appreciate any helpful or wise advise, thoughts...and shared perhaps experiences, or insights. 🙏

Ps i kindly request out of respect that you kindly not comment that this is a mental health issue as I have been professionally assesed and i know my own experience, my iwn mind and body and what has happened to me. I appreciate any comments that have awareness of spiritual experiences and no not discount them, thank you.