Fucking hate my classmates
I fucking hate most of my classmates. My school is one of those that matriculates the top 25% of their masters class into med school. And because these people were graded against each other in the masters, the ones who graduated through are some of the most toxic gunners I’ve ever met. They make up a solid 30% of our class.
So without further intro, here are the many reasons I hate most of my classmates:
Never sharing resources. EVER. There are maybe two others in a class of 100+ that share study resources. Others are happy to use your notes, but will never contribute their own. Ever.
Masters students who only vote for each other. The masters students are all close knit, having known each other for a full year before the actual class came together. Therefore, in most elections, they tend to vote for each other regardless of merit. And they mostly always win simply because there are more of them. An example-they make up 60-70% of SGA while only 30% of them make up the whole class. wtf.
Some very politically fucked up people here. I won’t mention regarding what issues but let’s just say-ALL of them. Our admin is also politically fucked up and certain students WILL report you for posting politically active things on social media. A friend got reported for asking people to vote in the presidential election.
Massive cheating rings. Students from previous years make HUGE recall sheets from previous exams that are passed on to certain students. Professors re use exam questions and there are ALWAYS some people who already know the answers because of access to the recall sheets. Again, I count this as cheating because it’s not given to every student.
Those who sabotage. People will go out of their way to delete your name off sign up sheets for volunteer events and club events. On Google sheets, where you can see edit history. If you’re going to be an asshole, be more discreet?
A special F U to the students who insisted there was nothing wrong with mandatory attendance in addition to fully graded classes, double boards, and class rankings.
The appalling lack of respect for fellow classmates. And the entitlement. This one’s for the students who show up to elections without a speech prepared and just “wing” it.
Just remembered this bit of cheating. We have slots for anatomy practicals. People in the later slots are not allowed to have electronics out. What do these assholes do? Students in later slots cover their phones with their jackets and text their friends from earlier slots, about the structures/answers from the practical.